Monday, November 06, 2006

Crime and Punishment

Every criminal is not a theif, Every thief is not a criminal.

There are those that would assume that those who would break one law would break any law with ease, that perhaps our own personal codes of conduct do not conflict or overlap with the generally accepted laws of society. We are all lawbreakers, so thus any of those blanket ideas are negated.

I stopped reading crime and punishment. Its a cute moral fairy tale, but the main character lies to himself, and the readers generally assume that in a first person narative that the narrator does not lie to you, in that we do not lie to ourselves. But we do. Even with the false rationalization, its still a rationalization that can be justified.

We live in a society that defines being guilty as having evidence, if you are not caught the crime was never commited. This is how we rationalize our world. As i read crime and punishment, i thought how wrong of him, how wrong of him to feel guilty, to confess, and how wrong of her to feel that he needs to absolve himself and that prison is an appropriate way to do so. Not to say that the criminal never feels remorse or guilt, but just as one does not ever follow the rules of society laid before them, i have NEVER felt the punishment of society to be the way to absolution and my modern brethran and I will never find absolution through the system.

But perhaps that is because my personal code is restricted to crimes i can justify, and rationalize and that generally do not harm others unless they wish to be harmed, openly or not.

Either way i can't finish reading it, Russian Lit. is to oranatly dark for me i suppose.

Guilt is not stronger than fear, fear is the driving force behind any decent criminal, and we are all criminals.


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