Wednesday, March 22, 2006


After all the lights are turned off and all the make up is washed off
Did you notice the scar on her lip?
The invariable story it tells so classic leading to the climax of achieving superficial perfection?

The headlines you read before you witnessed her performance lied to you
They told you of desires she didnt have
They told you of a girl so fufilled by all you can offer

But of course after a she takes the three ambien to get to sleep
after she awakes the next day from a horrible dream
after thirty years of sitting perfectly still

Friday, March 17, 2006

Last Call

There is no right or wrong

I dont understand why people cant understand, or if they do seem to remeber that there are no absolutes in anything

I have a million things i want to say, i want to emote. Luckily im skilled enough as a writer I can usually do a decent job or so I hope.

But this time...

...Im just sick of giving out the andswers to questions I'll never really understand

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I was gonna copy this over into paragraph form, but meh..

Cardinal Flip: people need to chill the fuck out about political opinions
Cardinal Flip: this "war" has everyone so fucking edgy
Cardinal Flip: what happened to respecting others political views
Cardinal Flip: "So these kids are going to have notes on why George Bush is related to Hitler and why the state of Israel was founded on violence and terrorism," Allen said on KHOW Radio Wednesday. "These kids are going to have notes on this and accept that as fact."
Cardinal Flip: and thatt guy is a fucking idiot
oft Kenn: yeah i'm reading
oft Kenn: problem is.. politicians themselves, and people like Kayne "loves the dick" East...
oft Kenn: i agree with people about the whole ordeal, and if someone disagrees with me... so be it, that's why we live in america
Cardinal Flip: exactly
oft Kenn: if i wanted to be hated upon because of my beliefs... i'd go live in a communist state
Cardinal Flip: or facist
Cardinal Flip: its the hypocracy of america dude
oft Kenn: problem is we're already here dude
Cardinal Flip: the whole protectors of freedom against religious oppresive nations
Cardinal Flip: who the hell are we fighting?
Cardinal Flip: it sounds like ourselves
oft Kenn: yeah
Cardinal Flip: theres no enemy
Cardinal Flip: theres terror
oft Kenn: every man for himself
Cardinal Flip: bullshit
Cardinal Flip: its if your not with us, your against us
Cardinal Flip: if you dont support the war
Cardinal Flip: you hate america
Cardinal Flip: if you dont support bush, your a hippie communist
Cardinal Flip: its not just government facism
Cardinal Flip: its social facism
oft Kenn: i can see that
Cardinal Flip: christanity has been doing it for centurys
oft Kenn: two millenia
Cardinal Flip: blind faith, is the stupidest, most ignorant thing anyone can have
Cardinal Flip: acually faith, or believing in anything
oft Kenn: You can't believe in yourself?
Cardinal Flip: fuck no
Cardinal Flip: you have to question everything
Cardinal Flip: your own thinking first of all
oft Kenn: where did it come from?
Cardinal Flip: where did what
Cardinal Flip: i blame our disney culture that teachs us the power of faith and believeing and if you just try REALLY REALLY REALLY hard, the laws of all existance will bend
oft Kenn: Your thoughts man, if you're going to think about why you think... then question where your way of thinking comes from
Cardinal Flip: true
oft Kenn: and you've answered most of it there
oft Kenn: not just disney... but the media
oft Kenn: people have subjected themselves to this stupid shit
Cardinal Flip: america fucking loves the underdog story
Cardinal Flip: who doesnt?
Cardinal Flip: but they love it so much theyve come to expect
Cardinal Flip: believe in it
oft Kenn: agreed
Cardinal Flip: the problem beyond that is that people see everything in two colors
Cardinal Flip: good and bad
Cardinal Flip: and we cant talk about the bad, because we want to focus on the good
Cardinal Flip: we cant talk about existentialist and nilhilist idealism, because its negative
Cardinal Flip: and we need to think positive
oft Kenn: well... my question is.... is there anything other than good and band? I mean that's all we've been taught
oft Kenn: i don't know any better
Cardinal Flip: the middle way
oft Kenn: there is no mean between good/bad
Cardinal Flip: do you acually believe that or are you just saying it to play devils advocate
oft Kenn: man, my mind's not open to that shit... fuck that there's only good and bad
Cardinal Flip: heaven and hell
oft Kenn: (devil's advocate) i always play it, it's the only way i'll learn anything
oft Kenn: Yeah, limbo buddy
Cardinal Flip: religion is the root of it all
Cardinal Flip: acually
Cardinal Flip: fear of death is the root of it all
oft Kenn: i dont fear death... have you seen the way i drive?
Cardinal Flip: well there are exceptions
Cardinal Flip: but most people cannot handle or do not want to face the idea that they are alone, inpersonal, and will die just as they have swatted a thousand bugs
Cardinal Flip: thusly we build hundreds of thousands a layers of bullshit to mask this truth
Cardinal Flip: everything from heaven and hell, to what counterculture we belong to
Cardinal Flip: but its like deep inside everyone knows the truth
Cardinal Flip: so they just pile on more bullshit
oft Kenn: yeah, i'd have to agree with you there
Cardinal Flip: if you just close your eyes and yell loud enough it all goes away

Monday, March 06, 2006

Something wrote in english

Clear headed again. But when are our heads truly cleared? Always subject to our objections do we exist in a reality of our own creation wholey different from the reality in which we exist. Suffering is the collisioning between these bipolar realms.

We like to think we are all so different but if you were in your wholey different corpse, sitting upon the shore, could you tell each wave apart? would you remeber any wave after it crashed on the shore? Does any wave ever really exist or become destroyed.

The problem isn't you cant see yourself cleary. The prblem is you are only lookng at yourself. When You is realy a thousand miles away and at the same time within an arms reach in its entirety. You are looking upon an acorn attempting to deciefer the anatomy of a tree.

Something wrote in english

Clear headed again. But when are our heads truly cleared? Always subject to our objections do we exist in a reality of our own creation wholey different from the reality in which we exist. Suffering is the collisioning between these bipolar realms.

We like to think we are all so different but if you were in your wholey different corpse, sitting upon the shore, could you tell each wave apart? would you remeber any wave after it crashed on the shore? Does any wave ever really exist or become destroyed.

The problem isn't you cant see yourself cleary. The prblem is you are only lookng at yourself. When You is realy a thousand miles away and at the same time within an arms reach in its entirety. You are looking upon an acorn attempting to deciefer the anatomy of a tree.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Four Walls

Four ancient walls, blocking four of the ten directions
Your house is celingless
The flowers of all fruits in the sky
Flow free, as we argue over their color
Stained glass lets in eternal light
tinted and stained to distort the pervading light
Never question colors percieved
your eyes are all you have
Take pride in how long your walls have stood

Forget the ancient techniques used to contruct your walls
They have stood, you will have pride as long as they stand